Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Media System In Middle East
For the past 40 years, the communications ecology of the Middle East has been shaped by a mass media regime, a one-to-many model of communication, with a strong structural ‘fit’ with authoritarian, centralized regimes. This model, dominated by representations of state power, authority and symbolic legitimacy, has been important in defining a mass citizenry that has been largely seen as conforming to the views of the state.
Development of the media ecology in the Middle East has for the past 40 years been shaped by the policies of authoritarian regimes as well as by commercial imperatives. The media in the region is, in general, controlled and monitored closely by governments - either by direct ownership or through strict laws and regulations that direct the media agenda. The major role of the media in the Middle East is as a propaganda tool to promote the government’s political, cultural, and economic programs. Since the eighteenth century, the media has operated in an environment of direct censorship by the state and self-censorship by journalists, editors and publishers. Many journalists in the region are convinced that the authorities are using new monitoring and surveillance technologies to record their actions and ultimately punish them if they transgress established policies. The media thus continues to favor protocol news in which content registers state power and enforces national political solidarity. The Middle Eastern media remains largely composed of government monopolies, with the advent of the Internet and new communications technology being viewed by governments in the region as yet another platform to publicize their viewpoints.
Middle Eastern economies range from being very poor (such as Gaza and Yemen) to extremely wealthy nations (such as Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia). Overall, as of 2007, according to the CIA World Factbook, all nations in the Middle East are maintaining a positive rate of growth.
According to the World’s Bank World Development Indicators database published on July 1, 2009, the three largest Middle Eastern economies in 2008 were Turkey ($ 794,228,000,000), Saudi Arabia ($ 467,601,000,000) and Iran ($ 385,143,000,000) in terms of Nominal GDP. Turkey ($ 1,028,897,000,000), Iran ($ 839,438,000,000) and Saudi Arabia ($ 589,531,000,000) had the largest economies in terms of GDP-PPP. When it comes to per capita (PPP)-based income, the three highest-ranking countries are Qatar ($80,900), Kuwait ($39,300) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ($37,300). The lowest-ranking country in the Middle East in terms of per capita income (PPP) is the autonomous Palestinian Authority of Gaza and the West Bank ($1,100).
The economic structure of Middle Eastern nations are different in the sense that while some nations are heavily dependent on export of only oil and oil-related products (such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait), others have a highly diverse economic base (such as Israel, Turkey and Egypt). Industries of the Middle Eastern region include oil and oil-related products, agriculture, cotton, cattle, dairy, textiles, leather products, surgical instruments, defense equipment (guns, ammunition, tanks, submarines, fighter jets, UAVs, and missiles). Banking is also an important sector of the economies, especially in the case of UAE and Bahrain.
With the exception of Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon and Israel, tourism has been a relatively undeveloped area of the economy, due in part to the socially conservative nature of the region as well as political turmoil in certain regions of the Middle East. In recent years, however, countries such as the UAE, Bahrain, and Jordan have begun attracting greater number of tourists due to improving tourist facilities and the relaxing of tourism-related restrictive policies.
Unemployment is notably high in the Middle East and North Africa region, particularly among young people aged 15–29, a demographic representing 30% of the region’s total population.
National politics still play the crucial role in shaping the media environment of any given Arab country. the most important causal variable affecting the political role of the mass media in each country is the underlying political system that prevails in that country. Other factors such as geography turned out to be not very important. The mass media system in Lebanon, for example, seemed less like the media in neighboring Syria and more similar to the media in Morocco. Morocco, in turn, was quite unlike the media in its neighbor Algeria. Media systems are fundamentally rooted in existing political systems. When a political system changes, a transformation takes place in the media system. In the past, when national governments had more control over Arab media, there were always some cross-border information flows. Some people listened to the BBC from London, VOA from Washington, or the Voice of the Arabs from Cairo, or they were able to import foreign newspapers. Others who happened to live in border areas where television from a neighboring country was visible, could watch that. But many people only had access to the media that were produced within the borders of their home countries, and those media were heavily influenced by the political circumstances in those countries. In Saddam’s Iraq, for example, the public essentially had access only to information and ideas that Saddam wanted them to have, since he presided over a mobilization press, banned foreign print media and jammed foreign broadcasts.
Today the situation has changed because of greater globalization and regionalization of the media, especially due to satellite television. As a result, many more people have access to information produced outside the borders of their home countries. This has made the Arab media picture much more complicated than it once was. The controls that state governments once had have been eroded somewhat because many more alternative sources of information and comment have now become available to the Arab public. Yet national political, economic and cultural constraints and influences have not disappeared
The basic political conditions inside individual Arab countries remained fairly stable during the 1980s and into the 1990s, and as a result the media systems did not change very much during that period. During the past decade, however, significant political changes have taken place in a number of Arab countries, and this had the effect of modifying the media systems in those countries. As a consequence, some media systems shifted categories.
Some newspapers, typically the larger circulation ones, tended to be more supportive of the government, while others, typically owned by private individuals and political parties, had more limited circulations and were more likely to criticize the government. Their freedom was reinforced by the existence of multiple political parties. But the regime had some advantages in the explicit and implicit taboos and red lines that existed, plus laws and economic incentives and disincentives. The fact that media systems change as a result of changes in the political environment validates the basic premise that national political realities are a major variable influencing Arab media. And in the future, if political conditions do change anywhere, it is likely that the media systems will also be subject to change.
Modifications in any analysis of Arab media must be made on a continuing basis, because the Arab media scene is changing rapidly now. It is no longer as static as it was in the past, and to paint an accurate picture we need to follow closely the media developments in each Arab country and the region as a whole, adjusting our analysis accordingly. Significant changes have taken place in the past decade, in contrast to the immediately preceding decades, making shifts in the typology necessary. It has therefore now become more difficult to predict what will happen to media systems in the coming years. It may be, for example, that more countries will follow the recent examples of Yemen and Iraq and move into the diverse media category because of changes that take place in their national political systems. And media in other countries, perhaps affected by the great increase in cross-border media penetration from satellite television and the Internet, may show increased signs of diversity, and even become “transitional” as they seek a new formula for media organization. At the same time, individual media outlets, such as Al Manar, may become more strident voices for advancing specific political agendas of reminiscent of a mobilization broadcaster as their patrons struggle against their political adversaries. Yet Al Manar is only able to play that role because it exists within the permissive environment of the diverse Lebanese media structure that is in turn based on a pluralistic Lebanese national political system.
The Arab world is usually considered to be comprised of the following nineteen countries: Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Chad, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Yemen. There are also significant Arab populations in Iran, Turkey, East Africa, South America, Europe, and Southeast Asia.
The Middle East is very diverse when it comes to religions, most of which originated there. Islam in its many forms is by far the largest religion in the Middle East, but other faiths, such as Judaism and Christianity, are also important. There are also important minority religions like Bahá'í, Yazdanism, Zoroastrianism.
Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the Middle East, being official in all the Arab countries. It is also spoken in some adjacent areas in neighboring Middle Eastern non-Arab countries. It is a Semitic language. Second most-numerous language is Persian, and while it is confined to Iran and some border areas in neighbouring countries, the country is one of the region's largest and most populous. It is an Indo-European language with lots of Arabic and Aramaic influences. Third most numerous is the Turkish language also confined to Turkey (also one of the region's largest and populous countries) and areas with neighboring countries. It is an Altaic language with origins in Central Asia.
Other languages spoken in the region include Syriac (a form of Aramaic), Armenian, Azeri, Berber languages, Circassian, Gilaki language and Mazandarani languages, Hebrew, Kurdish, Luri, and other Turkic languages, Somali and Greek. In Turkey, Kurdish, Dimli (or Zaza), Azeri, Kabardian, and Gagauz languages are spoken, in addition to the Turkish language. Several modern South Arabian languages are also spoken. English is also spoken, especially among the middle and upper class, in countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Iraq, and Kuwait French is spoken in Algeria, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, and Egypt. Urdu is spoken in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Arab states the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and Qatar, which have large numbers of Pakistani immigrants. The largest Romanian-speaking community in the Middle East is found in Israel, where as of 1995 Romanian is spoken by 5% of the population. Romanian is spoken mostly as a secondary language by people from Arab-speaking countries that made their studies in Romania. It is estimated that almost half a million Middle Eastern Arabs studied in Romania during the 1980s. Russian language is also spoken by a large portion of the Israeli population, due to emigration in the late 1990s.
Newspapers in the Arab countries can be divided into three categories: those that are government-owned (together with semi-official papers such as al-Ahram in Egypt), those owned by political parties, and the “independent” press.
Very few of the privately-owned newspapers can be considered editorially independent; they are often owned by wealthy individuals who have political aspirations or seek to wield influence. Qatar, for instance, has six newspapers – all of them technically independent but actually owned by members of the ruling family or businessmen with close ties to the ruling family.
In general, Arab governments seek to keep a lid on political discourse and activity – especially any that might be perceived as a threat to the established order – though the degree of control varies from country to country. Besides the more obvious methods such as censorship and suppression, a number of bureaucratic and legal devices are used to restrict freedom of expression.
Until the 1990s almost all television channels in the Arab countries were government owned and rigidly controlled. These channels still exist but the situation began to change in the 1990s with the spread of satellite television. Privately owned and non-governmental channels introduced livelier programs aimed at a pan-Arab audience and also adopted a more professional approach to news and current affairs.
The pioneer in this field was the news channel, al-Jazeera, which is financed by the government of Qatar but has enjoyed a large measure of independence. Al-Jazeera, many of whose staff originally came from the BBC, became the first Arabic channel to provide extensive live news coverage, even sending reporters to previously unthinkable places, such as Israel. Al-Jazeera also broke new ground with its discussion programs which looked at issues from more than one point of view and often raised subjects that had previously been taboo. The most common satellite channels are al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya, al-Hurra, al-Manar etc.
The Arab countries lagged behind most of the world in adopting the internet. One factor, until the late 1990s, was the technical difficulty of using Arabic on the internet (and on computers more generally) which tended to restrict use to those who could work in English or, in some cases, French. Another factor was cost (including high connection charges, often through a government-controlled monopoly). Saudi Arabia and Iraq were the last Arab countries to provide public internet access, in 1999 and 2000 respectively.
By the middle of 2008, more than 38 million Arabs were believed to be using the internet at least once a month and overall internet penetration (users as a percentage of population) had reached 11.1% .This was still only about half the world average (21.9%) but all the signs pointed towards continuing rapid growth. The largest numbers of users were in Egypt (8.6 million), Morocco (7.3 million) and Saudi Arabia (6.2 million). As might be expected, the highest penetration levels were found in some of the wealthy Gulf States: the UAE (49.8%), Qatar (37.8%), Bahrain (34.8%) and Kuwait (34.7%) – all well above the world average. Further down the list, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Morocco were near or slightly above the world average. Middle Eastern Internet analysts have determined that low Internet penetration in the Middle East exists due to a number of factors relating to weak infrastructure, poor economic growth, high illiteracy levels, lack of relevant language, content and applications as well as cultural factors.
Having accepted the inevitability of the internet, the first instinct of Arab regimes was to look for ways to control it. This was based partly on their fears of political subversion but also on the fears of conservative and religious elements that it would undermine “traditional” values – fears that in both cases were well-founded. The favored approach often reflected the broader mindset of the regimes concerned: the Saudis opted for an extravagant high-cost, high-tech solution, while Iraq under Saddam Hussein surrounded internet use with barely-penetrable bureaucracy. Questions are being raised about the increasing interest of the new US administration in the 'new media' at the expense of traditional media, especially the written press, as that may not reflect the actual situation in the Arab world, where only a small percentage use websites such as Twitter and Facebook. Latest statistics indicate that only 8.3% of Facebook users are from the Arab . However, internet rules vary from country to country in Arab itself.
Media and Middle Eastern women
Women in the Middle East still bear the burden of traditions that bind their freedom to choose the way of her life and, even, their husbands. There is no doubt that Arab countries have made progress in advancing women’s causes, as shown by figures pertaining to development, education, employment and social advancement of women, but a lot remains to be done to achieve real equality in citizenship and professional promotion, as well as self-fulfillment.The women’s movement has greatly benefited from mass media, such as internet, chat rooms, television and radio debates which have enabled them to make a foray in to different fields they would not have accessed if they had relied only on the press. These means furthered heightening awareness of gender issues such as equality as an ideal alternative to discrimination and difference of sexes.
Women’s employment in Arab countries’ radio and television or press was the crowning achievement of their educational qualification (60 to 70% of information and communications Institutes’ students are women).7 However, they have not been able to access high-level positions that allow them to influence media strategies in a way that changes tradition’s negative views of women or how women’s issues are presented – still considered a taboo on many TV channels, such as sexual abuse, citizenship, legal equality in marital rights, love, husband choosing, woman’s right to seek divorce and to travel alone, as well as likening women to poverty, as in the saying ‘Poverty is a woman’s face’. Consequently, women remain procreating machines and sex objects. Moreover, they shoulder responsibility for corruption, prostitution, unemployment, poverty … earthquakes and all tribulations.
Survey Notes
The MediaSource/Insight Middle East Journalist Survey 2009 was conducted as an online poll of journalists in Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.
Among other key findings of the 2009 survey are:
• There are more press releases being issued, but the heartening news for the PR industry is more of them are being used. Two years ago 58% of respondents claimed to use ‘none’ or ‘less than 10 percent’ of the releases they received, compared with 45% in 2009. The use of releases has increased significantly among the Arabic language press with 41% claiming to use a quarter or more of all releases they receive.
• There has been a big drop in confidence among the Arabic-language media in the value of on-the-record briefings. Whereas 88% regarded them as either ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ important in 2007, that figure has halved to 44% two years later. There has been an almost identical decline in how the Arabic press values off-the-record briefings - 81% rated them as either ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ important in 2007, compared with 44% now.
• The Arabic-language media has a higher opinion of regional PR agencies than their English-language counterparts with 31% believing their needs are understood either ‘Very Well’ or ‘Fairly Well’, compared with 19% of the English-language press who feel the same.
Media In Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, though a pioneer of pan-Arab satellite television, has long had one of the most tightly-controlled media environments in the Middle-East. Criticism of the government and royal family and the questioning of religious tenets are not generally tolerated.
But by 2003 there were signs of increasing openness, with some formerly taboo topics receiving press and TV coverage. The September 11 attacks on the US and instances of domestics militancy were said to have brought about and more candid reporting.
The state-run Broadcasting service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (BSKSA) is responsible for all broadcasting. It operates four TV networks, including news channel al-Ikhbariya. The minister of culture and information chairs the body which oversees radio and TV operations.
Private radio and TV stations cannot operate from Saudi soil, but the country is a key market for pan-Arab satellite and pay-TV broadcasters. Saudi investors are behind some of these networks, including Dubai-based MBC and Bahrain-based Orbit. Viewers in the east can pick up TV stations from more liberal Gulf neighbors.
Saudi newspapers are created by royal decree. There are more than a dozen dailies and many magazines. Pan-Arab papers, subject to censorship, are available. Newspapers tend to follow the lead of the state-run news agency on whether or not to publish stories on sensitive subjects.
The government has invested heavily in security systems to block access to websites it deems offensive, said to range in subject matter from religion to swimwear.
There were 6.2 million internet users by March 2008(ITU). Many surfers are said to be women, possibly a result of restrictions on their movements. There are said to be many as 5,000 Saudi blogs.
The press
• Al-watan – Abha based daily
• Al-Riyadh – Riyadh based daily
• Okaz – Jeddah based daily
• Al-Jazirah- Riyadh based daily
• Al-Sharq al-Awsat- Riyadh based daily, English-language web pages
• Arab news – Jedah-based English-language daily
• Saudi Gazette- Jeddah-based English-language daily
• Saudi TV- state-run, operates four networks
• Saudi Radio – state run
News Agency
• Saudi Press Agency- state run
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Communication & Globalization

Society is composed of individuals. It is due to the communication ability that humans are considered superior to animals. The process of communication has always been and will always play a significant role in the existence of human life. No human can survive without communicating. It is believed that prior to the time of human existence there were no symptoms of speech and writing. When humans started residing on the earth it was only after a long years of time that they had actually started to speak. At first the communication was only at intra-personal level and thus defining it as intra-personal communication. Gradually interaction between the individuals increased which was later termed as inter-personal communication. This was not enough. Then people started thinking in wider perspective. The communication broadened its horizon to group communication, Organizational communication and then to mass communication.
The time where we live is 21st century and this period is very well known for its development in science and information technology. Nowadays emails, internet, fax, phones, mobiles, television are very common. And these are the tools that have made communication easier, faster, and reliable. At present it takes no time to communicate from one corner of the world to other. In this relation, the whole world is being looked at as a single community that is connected by electronic communication systems. Thus, globalization can be defined as the integration and democratization of the world’s culture, economy, and infrastructure through the transnational investment, rapid proliferation of communication and information technologies, and the impacts of free-markets on local, regional, and national economies.
Globalization mainly deals with the interconnectedness of the people in a global manner. It is due to the globalization that we are so much adapted and accustomed to not only the western cultures but other cultures as well. The influence of Hollywood, McDonalds, and change in language, culture, and dressing are such examples of globalization. Globalization is a two way process. If there was no mass media, globalization would not have been possible. The information disseminates from one part of the world to other part in seconds, this miracle is just due to the mass media. Hence we can say that globalization and mass media are interdependent. Globalization is only possible because of mass media and on the other hand mass media gets advanced due to globalization. Globalization has helped the people to be updated with each and every happenings of the world. The thoughts and ideas of individuals now work in wider perspective. Despite having many advantages many people still argue that globalization cannot always be useful to individuals since working technically is not always proper. It may confine an individual to just himself being self centered. Other critical issues may arise due to the globalization. So globalization can be seen both positively and pessimistically.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sate of Radio In Nepal (Term Paper)
As Nepal continues in its transition of defining its political destiny as a new born republic, what remains certain is the fact that the Radio assumes an indispensable role in shaping the opinion of the people; and hence the fate of its future. A distinctive and central feature of Nepal’s sovereign dispensation has been its willingness to facilitate the development of the Radio as a means to encourage the making of an informed society. Indeed, the Radio has been a central pathway of connecting and empowering the diverse people of Nepal as a dynamic political entity.
While India by large is an entertainment centered society, which has been manifested and reiterated through its mainstream media, Nepal by comparison thrives on the hunger for want of information and knowledge through public discourses on issues that are important to their existence. Considering that print media has limited reach and accessibility in Nepal, the Radio in effect is the one and only true medium of mass communication. With cheap and easy accessibility, the Radio has succeeded in developing a personal relationship with the listener. From remote villages to the heart of Kathmandu valley, from scanty shacks to sophisticated studios, Radio stations stand proudly in the skyline, serving as reminder its testament as a vanguard of people’s aspiration. Nepal’s pioneering community Radios have had positive affect on the people; and because it is community-centered with ownership in the hands of the people, it has become an affective and trustworthy medium for addressing concerns, disseminating information, empowering people to make informed decisions.
In Nepal, the first Radio station Radio Nepal was established in 1950. However, it can be estimated that even before 1950, the people had been possibly experiencing the taste of listening to the radio from the stations of neighboring countries. It is hard to say
when the people first started listening to the radio. But it can be guessed that they have been listening to the radio for more than 75 years. India had already started broadcasting by 1923, and hence it is assumed that Nepalese working there certainly listened to Indian radio broadcasts. After the establishment of radio stations in India, the radio became popular in elite circles in Nepal too. However, without the ruler’s assent, nobody was allowed to have a radio set. We cannot guess the number of radio sets at any particular time during the initial days of radio listening. When the British forces were doing badly against the Japanese during the Second World War, the rulers in Nepal seized the radio sets from the people. Rana rulers had been supporting the British and providing soldiers to fight for them, so they did not want the people to listen to news of battles being lost. The seized radio sets were stored in Singha Durbar, and it is said that they numbered about 400 and were returned to their owners later.
In July 1946, the then Prime Minister Padma Shamser Rana declared that people could have personal radios. He also arranged to broadcast native radio, Nepal Broadcasting from Bijuli Adda in January 1948. But this could not last long. Padma Shamser Rana resigned from the post of the prime minister and a few months later, this transmission was also halted. This was not to last for long and in August 1948 it was revived again. Mohan Shamser, then Prime Minister, made arrangements to bring two transmitters in order to improve transmission.
In 1950, the Nepali Congress Party was fighting against the Rana autocracy and freedom fighters had also begun to run radio transmissions called Prajatantra Nepal Radio from Biratnagar, an eastern city in Nepal. This program was used to broadcast their activities as well as other information which encouraged the general people to support their movement against the Rana rulers. When Nepali Congress' campaign succeeded, the new government shifted the radio program to Kathmandu (Koirala 2005). Later on it was renamed Nepal Radio and it ultimately became Radio Nepal.
From that time radio broadcasting caught on in a big way. Until 1995 Radio Nepal was the only radio station to broadcast in Nepal. Then frequency modulation (FM) radio technology entered Nepal.
From Past To Present
On 31 March 1996, the station that would become Radio Sagarmatha aired its first test signals on FM 102.4 Mhz without a license. When NEFEJ finally received a broadcasting license on 18 May 1997, Radio Sagarmatha became the first fully independent radio station in the country and marked an important achievement for civil society in Nepal.As Radio Sagarmatha broke new ground, gradually shedding the restrictions that initially accompanied its license, the movement for ‘community radio’ gained momentum outside the valley. In the process, Radio Sagarmatha set the standard for independent, public-interest radio in the country. More FM licenses were granted and in early 2000, two new ‘community’ stations joined the airwaves: the first, Radio Lumbini in Rupandehi District, a cooperative which raised the funds for its establishment locally, and the second, Radio Madanpokhara in the adjacent district of Palpa, licensed through the Village Development Committee. Around the same time, NEFEJ created the Community Radio Support Centre (CRSC) to support the development of sector, and in 2002, the Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (ACORAB) was established as a representative body for community radio in Nepal. As new stations started to broadcast, pioneer like Radio Sagarmatha and production groups like Communication Corner began to share content and programs, at first using telephone link-ups and cassette, then gradually moving to CD and satellite as full-fledged production houses and distribution networks started to emerge. By 2005 there were some 50 FM stations on the air with more than one third of these operating on a non-profit basis (the basic criteria to be considered as a community radio).
After the success of the People’s Movement of 2006, which resulted in the promulgation of a new constitution, FM licenses were issued en masse. Some 150 licenses were granted between April 2006 and July 2007, including more than 65 to non-profit groups. In August 2007, ACORAB listed its membership at 90 radio stations with 33 broadcasters on air. However, according to UNESCO, 216 licenses had been issued by the Government of Nepal, as of July 2007 with 78 FM stations broadcasting. The growth of community radio has been equally large with 93 licenses issued beginning May 2007 and 35 stations on air. As of October 2007 community radio coverage had spread to 56 of 75 districts. UNDP’s Human Development Report in 1995 estimated only three radio sets per one hundred people in Nepal. However, Development Communication and Research Consultancy Group in 1990 estimated that 63.6% of Nepalese households have radio sets, a ratio of about 112 sets per 1000 people. According to MoIC, Bagmati, Narayani, Lumbini and Gandaki zones have acquired 34, 24, 18 and 16 radio licenses respectively. Likewise, Koshi and Seti each have got 11 Radio licenses while the Ministry has granted 8 licenses each to FM radios in Dhaulagiri and Karnali zones so far. The number of those acquiring radio licenses in Bheri, Mechi and Mahakali totals 13, 9 and 3 respectively.
The districts yet to receive FM license include Terhathum, Rautahat, Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Manang, Myagdi, Dolpa, Dadeldhura and Baitadi.
As by the date 10th November, 2008, the status of FM radio is as the following:
Number of FM radio licenses issued: 299
Operational Fm radio stations : 172
Operational Fm radio transmitters: 195
Multiple channel FM broadcasters: 4
Multiple site FM broadcasters: 5
FM broadcasters with satellite uplink: 5
Multiple channel FM broadcasters are the radio broadcasters operating with more than one FM channel at a specific location. Kalika FM, for example, broadcasts 95.2 MHz and 91.0 MHz from Bharatpur. Multiple site broadcasters have their stations operating at different locations in the country at the same frequency or different frequencies. Kantipur FM, for example, broadcasts from 8 locations in the country at 96.1 and 101.8 MHz.
Broadcasting and wireless operation frequencies are issued by Frequency Division, Ministry of Information & Communication, Government of Nepal. The FM radio licenses are basically categorized and taxed according to their operational transmitter power. However, FM radio stations can still be divided into commercial radio, public radio, community radio and pirated radio. Pirated radio is mostly against government. Nepal Government licensed private radios are called commercial and community radio. The government owned radio is called public radio. There is still difference in classification of radios. Operational radios and televisions as permitted by National Broadcasting Act 2049 and National Broadcasting law 2052 has classified into same group.
In Nepal, all types of radio are already in use but it hasn’t been classified in proper way. But government owned radio is known as public radio, private company owned FM radio is known as commercial radio while the stations owned by illegal organizations, VDCs along with metropolitan city is known as community radio. No one has tried to name the radios which work against the government. But these types of radios are known as ‘pirated radios all over the world’.
Facts and Figures
The Broadcast Audience Survey (BAS 2006-2007) shows that 65% of the country is covered by one of more of the FM radio signals for comfortable tuning to the radio frequencies. This percentage increases to 75% when calculated for the lowest signal level that can be received by a highly sensitive radio set.
Housewives and shop owners are the most radio listening group in the country (32% each) while students (13%) are found to be the next most listening group in the country.
Radio is available and accessible in 82% of Nepalese household while 59% of household has television, telephone 30%, newspaper 13%, magazines 5% and internet 1%.
76% of radio sets owned have both AM and FM tuners while around 7% of radio sets are only tunable to AM bands such as Medium Wave and Short wave.
56% of radio sets owned in the country are Chinese brands, while 37% of radio sets are Indian and 2.7% Japanese. 1.8 percent of radio sets are from rest of the countries.
Radio is the most preferred source of information and entertainment with 64%, followed by television - 35%, newspapers 0.8% and internet 0.1%.
FM radio is the most preferred (84.7%) frequency band among the radio bands, followed by Medium Wave (MW – 44.6%) and Short Wave (SW – 16.5%).
The peak radio listening time is 6:00am – 8:00am in the morning and 6:00pm -10:00pm in the evening.
Radio Broadcasting Associations
Association Of Community Radio Broadcasters’ (ACORAB)
Broadcasting Association of Nepal (BAN)
Far-Western FM Radio Broadcasters' Forum
Kathmandu Valley FM Radio Broadcasters' Forum
World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC).
Estimation of listeners
In the mid of year 2062 about 50 FM radio were already broadcasted. About 65% of the total population was supposed to have come under the area of FM broadcasting (mainali 2007 A.D.; Equal Access Nepal 2007 A.D.). Radio has a reach over 70-75% of the total population. Since, the estimated population of Nepal is about 2.7 crore, approx. 1.9-2 crore of total population listen to any one kind of radio.
Due to the non balanced distribution of FM radio in Nepal, it is very hard to analyze as how many radio FMs are being heard. A listener has a reach over an average of 30 FMs in Kathmandu.
At present, 18 languages are used to run programs in FM which includes rajvanshi, bantawa, rai, santhal, jhangad, chepang, newari, tamang, maithali, gurung, magar, Bhojpuri, rana, tharu, purveli tharu, dangora tharu, avadhi, kham magar, limbu, doteli (Gopal Guragain and Pratyush Wanta).
Reaction of listeners
According to Pratyush Wanta, at first people felt excitement to hear their own voice through phone or they only considered radio as a means of entertainment, they did not prefer to maintain a deep or serious relation with it. In its starting days, radio used to take support from its listeners for musical programs. But in talk shows, listener’s interaction was rare.
According to Gopal Guragain and Toya Ghimire, listener’s involvement and participation is stronger on the side of both radio and the listener. At one side, the socio environment and personal life determines his participation in the particular program in the radio. On the other side, the selection of the listeners is based on the subject matter and style of the programs broadcasted by the radio stations. The enhancement of the community radio has not only made the system of broadcasting easy but also has contributed in making the rural people more involved and making them speak in the radio programs. Their confidence level has risen because of the fact that it is easier and comfortable to communicate with the people from the same community. The content of programs is purely based on the society in which radio is broadcasted. Thus, we can see that commercial radio is less concerned with its listeners in the program production and effect as compared to the community radio.
General people like us have been using radio as a means of sharing personal problems. General people, medium level organizations and political people have made radio as a means of expressing themselves. Before the establishment of radio, press was an essential means of communication for the people. But the invention and development of radio has contributed a lot for the people who cannot read.
Most popular programs produced or based in Kathmandu
The radio programs that were found to have high listenership outside the Kathmandu valley were:
Saathi Sanga Man Ka Kura
Nepal Diary
Nepal Darpan
Naya Nepal
Thula Haste
Ghumne Mech
Maha Chautari
Hamro Riya Club
Asal Shasan
Maha Adalat
Ghatna Ra Bichar
Rajdhani Ko Sandesh
Pardeshi Ko Sandesh
The most listened programs in Nepal were found to be:
Saathi Sanga Manka Kura
Gatana Ra Vichar
Nepal Darpan
No Tension
Naya Nepal
Hello Mithila
Lok Kosheli
Dimaag Kharaab
Tit for Tat
Lok Lahari
BBC Nepali Sewa
Aajaka Kura
Mero Kaatha Mero Geet
Laligurans Phulirahancha
Lok Aawaj
Manko Majheri
Women in radio
In present context as well, women's participation in decision-making level is negligible. In spite of the change in media environment after democracy, visible improvement in terms of women's participation and gender mainstreaming in media is yet to be achieved. Top management or decision-making level is still male dominated and influenced by patriarchal perception with negligible number of women holding senior positions. It is noticed that few young women journalists who have emerged in reporting field are still tend to be assigned to “soft issues” such as culture, art and lifestyles but not “hard issues” like politics, conflict, security, economy etc. But those women who are reporting such “hard issues” are performing excellent.
The current reality is, women have become more visible in radio and television as presenters and announcers but few women are in reporting, editing and in other technical department. Moreover, the presences of women in any official commissions, boards or committees formed for formulating policies or monitoring the media are very few in number. Out of 13 members, there is only one woman in Press Council as a Board Member. In private media organizations as well, very few women are holding the decision making position.
As per the paper presented by Mr. Mahendra Bista, General Secretary of Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) during one of the program in Kathmandu, less than 10 percent female journalists are registered as member in Federation of Nepalese Journalists.
The research work that studies 16 media houses entitled "State of Inclusion in Ownership of Media Houses and Editorial Mechanism" by Journalist Mohan Singh Lama, shows 10 percent of women's ownership in media and 12 percent in News Department. Towards the government owned, the percentage of women representation is even low. Representation of women in decision-making level in government media is nil. In all four government owned media no women occupy the chief editor post. On the other hand in 13-member board of Press Council, there is only one women member.
Similarly, according to a research conducted by Sancharika Samuha on “Status of Women Journalists in Nepalese Media” in 2005, there are only about 12% women working in media and, among these, only a negligent number occupy decision-making positions. The research report further states:
“Women's participation is minimal in the journalism sector in Nepal and those who join the profession are not able to give it long-term continuity. The reason for this is that journalism is not considered a suitable profession for women, as the mobility of most Nepali women is very restricted. "
Data shows that, amongst the total participants (124) involved in the research, 65 percent of women journalists are working with FM radios. The second high percentage of are in television sector. Very few women are associated with "New Media" or "Online Journalism".
It is clear from the research presented by Sancharika that women journalists are discriminated. There exist lots of problems and challenges for the female journalists in Nepal. Increasing number of Media houses around the country has definitely increased the number of women in radio but their sustainability in the profession is not very fine. Lack of gender friendly environment, family and social barriers, high expectation but less achievements, more economical benefits and high position in any other profession rather than journalism has discouraged the female journalists
However, across Nepal the proportion of women journalists joining radio stations is growing, and the female voice is no longer a rarity. The other trend is for journalists to get together and launch radio stations staffed entirely by women.
Radio Mukti in Butwal, launched by committed women journalists was so bold in its coverage that it was recently attacked by local Maoists who vandalised the station.
In Biratnagar, Radio Purbanchal is another all-female station which is trying to address the pressing problems of gender discrimination in the eastern Tarai. At Purbanchal, the only man is the security guard. Station manager Kamala Kadel is a 55-year-old mother who used to be a social worker before starting the radio to empower women through grassroots communications.
The station's reach has grown in the past two years, reaching 75 per cent of households in Sunsari and Morang with close to one million regular listeners. There are around 40 community level organisations affiliated to the station and 2,000 households contributed funds and start-up capital. The station employs 18 journalists and studio technicians, all 20-30 year olds from disadvantaged communities.
So to sum up we can say that there is a variance in the involvement of women according to the geography of Nepal. At some places, the women involvement in media is very low almost negligible whereas on the other places involvement in media is highest in women and are walking as leaders.
There are many problems that a radio station has to face. First, how to survive with limited advertising and more educational service-oriented programs. Second, how to retain creative and dynamic journalists and producers in a competitive world. Two such producers are working at the BBC in London. Third, how to learn management techniques (of running radio stations) on a continuing basis. Fourth, how to create a marketing strategy and a dynamic marketing team in a small and low-cost station. Finally, how to motivate volunteers who could produce programs without posing a burden on the limited resources. Similarly, FM entrepreneurs allege that the government had distributed licenses without assessing market feasibility. According to them, mushrooming FM radios in a particular place will involve them in unhealthy competition and ultimately lead to the collapse of their venture. BAN officials said the government had failed to ensure proper distribution of radio frequencies. Radio frequencies have been distributed in an unscientific manner. The government must formulate certain regulations to ensure effective frequency distribution. Financial challenges still remain for the FM radios as they are still denied government advertisement, a major source of revenue for media in Nepal. The government recognizes advertisements published in little-known newspapers, but, it does not give recognition to such contents broadcast on FM radio, which are far more effective mediums than such papers. Nepal's FM radios are facing the twin problems of journalist security and station survival. Radio reporters have been the most vulnerable to attacks by militant groups, gangsters, criminals and state forces. In the past three weeks alone, FM radios in Khotang, Tanahu and Parbat have been physically attacked. Journalists have to self-censor because to write about certain issues or to dig deep is to invite threats and even attacks. Radio stations are also struggling to survive because of falling revenues from an advertising slump caused by political instability and crippling power cuts. Many are having difficulty even paying staff. Community radio organizations have been lobbying the government to treat them like a public service and reduce the royalty, taxes and renewal fees. They say that in the absence of clear policy on FM radio the government is granting licenses to political groups and the FM spectrum is getting crowded in many regions.
Attacks In The Year 2065
Ashwin 23- a criminal group injured Vishnu Bhandari, a journalist in himchuli FM of pokhara radio. They damaged his mobile phone, recorder and other belongings while he was on his duty.
Ashwin 25- Vrij kumar Yadav, a correspondent of BBC nepali service, Janakpur was killed by three unknown people wearing masks.
Aswin 29- many media persons were ill treated by hundreds of Maoists in front of prime minister’s residence. They were not considered.even after showing their identity cards.
Magh 7- Threat was given to a correspondent of kanitpur, Bharat Jargha Magar by the madheshi protestors.
Magh 7- Nepal Press Union publicized that Subash Karmacharya of CPN-UML gave a threat to fire five journalists in Sindhupalchowk. The five journalists were Rishiram Poudel of Kantipur FM, Dhruba Dangol of Nepal FM, Tika Dahal of Sagarmatha FM, Dinesh Thapa of Star FM and Ram KC of Nepal Samacharpatra.
Magh 12- protestors attacked Bhim Ghimire of Kantipur and Tanga Khanal of BBC service in Biratnagar. They were collecting news when they thrashed them and their vehicles.
Magh 14- Some journalists were bound to be grounded after the announcement of the attacks on them. The journalists were Govind Devkota of Nepal FM and Narayani FM, Sujit Mahat of Kantipur, Hari Adhikary of Radio Nepal and other workers of Federation of Nepali Journalists.
Magh 14- Attack on Radio Birgunj. About 60-70 people forcefully entered the premises during the time of curfew and damaged satellite of BBC service and Communication Corner including generator, UPS, vehicles, furniture, window, telephone etc.
Magh 16- some madhesi protestors in Biratnagar, attacked the motorbike of Vikram Luitel, a correspondent of Nepal FM 91.8.
Magh 21- The workers of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum of Biratnagar, encircled five journalists and hit them.
Falgun 20- some unknown criminals ill-treated Chudamani Wagle, a correspondent of Nepal FM 91.8 and attacked another journalist Roshan Neupane in Sarlahi.
Attacks or threats were common to the journalists if they published or broadcasted any news against a particular political party. Hence, to find the news of Terai protest people had to depend on the news of Kathmandu or even International news. Journalists were scared. They had a doubt if they would return to their home after their duty. Like other media, the employment of working journalists of democratic radio is insecure. The salary, appoints and services for leave of the workers of radio is not systematic.
The radio workers are very much victimized. They are given minimum salary. Some workers are paid late or even made work free. High-level media commission has addressed to protect the rights of working journalists.
Equal Access
The majority of Nepal's population lacks access to the internet, telephones or electricity. With high levels of print illiteracy, Nepal’s dominant form of communication is oral tradition, which communities have utilized for thousands of years. Recent political changes and the end of the monarchy provide new opportunities for civic participation in the “New Nepal.”
Equal Access produces multiple award-winning radio series that empower listeners with critically needed information about early childhood development, youth issues, sustainable livelihoods, women's rights, education, HIV/AIDS prevention, reproductive health, safe migration and peace building. A recent survey by AC Nielsen indicates that an aggregate audience of 9 million Nepalese (over 30% of the population) listens to Equal Access programs on a weekly basis.
Moreover, Equal Access manages leadership training and support for community radio producers and reporters, NGO workers, youth educators and other community-based leaders to build the capacity of large numbers of rural Nepalese to advocate for change at their local level.
There have been several recent changes to the existing regulatory environment,including a provision in the interim constitution (2006) that protects media freedom, including that of FM radio stations, as a fundamental right (15/2), clearly stating “No radio, television, online or any other types of digital or electronic means, press or any other communication media shall be closed, seized or be cancelled because of publishing and broadcasting or printing any material by such means of audio, audio-visual or electronic equipment.” Other significant new developments include the Right to Information Act, which ensures the availability of any ‘public’ information, and an operationalised Working Journalists Act, which clearly describes terms and conditions for employment, and rights and responsibilities of journalists and media owners. The other significant change to the specific rules and procedures governing radio has been a reduction in the license and renewal fees required of FM broadcasters. The fee for a 100 watt transmitter, which was NPR 50000 (USD 770) became NPR 10000 (USD 154), a 50 watt unit went from NPR 25000 (USD 385) to NPR 1000 (USD 15) and for transmitters up to 30 watts, the fee was reduced from NPR 10000 to NPR 500 (USD 8). The change is significant since there is considerable benefit for stations with low power transmitters. The new policy would be even more significant if it were to represent an indication of future policy since it is clearly in favour of low-watt, non-commercial broadcasting.
1. Adhikari, Nirmala Mani. Advertising, Public Relatios and Media Issues, Prashanti Pustak Bhandari, Kathmandu, Nepal
2. Adhikari, Nirmala Mani, 2008. Communication, Media and Journalism and Integrated Study, Prashanti Pustak Bhandari.
3. Bhatta, Komal. , Humagain, Devraj. , Wanta, Pratyush. (2065) Swatantra radio ko ek dashak.: Vikas, Bahas ra Samajik Sarokar. Martin Chautari.
4. Dhungel, Vinod. (2065). Aamsanchar madhyamka rupma swatantra radio. Press swatantrata- Loktantrako ek Varsha. Ed. Bakram Baniya. Nepal Patrakar MahaSangh kendriya Karyalaya.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
During Lichhavi period it was not named as Changunarayan. It was then called Dolasikhar Swami. It was called so because the hill at which the temple is located is called Dolashikar and it is regarded as the guru so the name Dolashikar Swami is given. Since our childhood we were taught that the king Man Dev Malla had built Changunarayan temple but it is completely erroneous. The founder is believed to be Hari Dutta Verma who had built Changunarayan temple along with three other temples at the four cardinal directions of the Kathmandu valley, dedicated to the Hindu God Narayan. Changunarayan is also famous by the name of Champaknarayan and Garudnarayan. The three storied and two roofed temple of Changunarayan is the finest example of the Nepalese temple architectural design built in the “popular Nepalese style” on a one tired brick-stone platform. Its top roof is made out of gilded copper sheets while the lower one is having a traditional tiled roof. On the struts of the two-tiered Changu Narayan Temple, are the ten incarnations in which Narayan destroyed evil-doers. A sixth-century stone statue shows the cosmic form of Vishnu, while another statue recalls his dwarf incarnation when he crushed the evil king Bali. Apart from the pillar inscription of Mana Deva, there are stone slab inscription of Niripechha, Siva Deva-Amsuvarma, Abhaya Malla, Jaya Rudra Malla, Jayasthiti Malla. The temple of Goddess Chhinnamasta, Kileswor Mahadeva, Laxmi Narayan, Natyeswora, Yatu Maju, Kanti Bhairava and several sattalas (public rest houses) are some which were built in different historical times by different persons. Among them, the sculpture of the seated Garuda in anjali mudra, now placed beside a broken base of a stone pillar, is considered to be the oldest. It is believed that the remaining part of the pillar, which is now found being erected on the northern corner of the main shrine, was shifted here from its original place when it was broken.
The sculpture of Garuda was originally mounted on that pillar which also contains the inscription engraved by king Mana Deva in 464 AD using the Lichhavi script. Apart from this, the stone sculptures of Garudanarayan, vishworupa, Trivikram, Shreedhara and Narasingha are the other available finest specimens of sculptural arts executed in different times of the Lichhavi period.
The main Jatra of this temple is celebrated in the month of Baisakh however we had been hearing wrong that the Jatra takes place during the month of Magh. This is the rare temple found in Nepal where both Hindus and Buddhists alike offer their reverences. Asadh Sukla Ekadasi, Krisna Janmaastami and Haribodhani Ekadasi are some of the important events observed here every year in which a great number of devotees pour here from far and wide places take active participation on them by offering worship to the Lord. This tradition has been continuing since very long. Twice in every year, the main idol of the temple is taken to the Hanuman Dhoka Royal Palace of Kathmandu in August-September and December and January respectively in order to follow an age long tradition.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Wonderful Experience In Radio Nepal
Our next destination was program studio. Radio Nepal has its own studio for program production. Every program is broadcasted through this studio. For the mixing of songs, cartages were used once upon a time but now due to the advanced technologies mixing is done by computers or CDs. There are two rooms in the studio one is control machine where technician administers and other is continuity room for the program controller. The program is distributed through V-SAT Network. In case of damage or disturbance of V-SAT transmitter is used.
Radio Nepal has two Broadcasting houses consisting of one drama studio, two music studios, one reporting studio, three continuity studios, one news studio, and seven program production studios. Radio Nepal also facilitates a music library which has a collection of about 40,000 songs of different genres like Hindi Film, Gazals, English, BaalGeet, Film Songs, Old Songs, Classical Songs, National Songs, Folk Songs and so on. Every tape is assigned a number and registered in a book.
The members of Radio Nepal were very co-operative and supportive. They had no difficulty in showing us the infrastructures. They were very humble and soft.
My happiness and excitement knew no boundaries when I observed a live radio program. It was a lot fascinating. I had heard radio programs personally but to see it through my eyes was outstanding. Two of my friends even acted like hosting one of the shows and their voice was recorded. It was an awesome experience to actually feel like a media person. I hope after a couple of years my juniors would see me there hosting a show and I would be the one to welcome them and show them the Radio Nepal. I would always cherish this visit of Radio Nepal. I express my gratitude to my teachers for giving us such a golden opportunity.
Monday, May 25, 2009
हरिमंजुश्रीलाई सम्मान
साहित्यकार हरिमंजुश्रीले नेपाली साहित्यको क्षेत्रमा गरेको निरन्तर सेवाको कदर गर्दै उनलाई विभिन्न सम्मानहरु दिइएको पाइन्छ । कुलचन्द्र कोइराला स्मृति प्रतिष्ठान रोशी राष्ट्रिय सम्मान नेपाली आवाजको सम्पादक सामाजिक जागरण माचको सम्मान पत्र साप्ताहिक मध्यममार्ग साधना सम्मान सुनकोशी साहित्य प्रतिस्ठान सम्मानपत्र मुक्तिमार्ग दर्शन पुरस्कार र जवाहरग्रन्थ सम्पादन पुरस्कार जस्ता उनले पाएका सम्मान तथा पुरस्कारहरु हुन् ।
आर्थिक सामाजिक शैक्षिक र राजनीतिक दृष्टिकोणबाट पिछडिएको ठाउँबाट उम्रेका हरिमंजुश्रीले नेपाली भाषाको व्याकरणमा ठूलो परिवर्तन ल्याएका छन् । उनले र अरुले लेखेका भाषाको व्याकरणमा धेरै भिन्नता छ । उनले भाषा शैली शिल्प र भाषासँग मिल्ने नयाँ ब्याकरण ल्याएका छन् । उनका लेखहरु सरल सहज र मिठा हुन्छन् । बनेपामा बसेर उनले अन्य थुप्रै ठाउँमा रहेका नेपालीहरुको सेवामा समेत आफ्नो जीवन अर्पण गरेका छन् । नेपाली भाषालाई नयाँ आयाम दिने व्यक्तित्व हरिमंजुश्री अक्षरलाई अत्यन्तै सम्मान गर्दछन् ।
कार्यक्रममा हरिमंजुश्रीले आफूलाई साहित्ययात्रामा सहयोग पुर् याउन शुभेच्छुकहरुलाई सहृदय आभारपत्र प्रदान गरेका थिए ।
State Of Film Industry In Nepal
Filmmaking in Nepal started in 1962. In 1974, a board was formed for the development of film industry called as Royal Nepal Film Corporation. Between the year 1964-1971 three propaganda films were produced. In 1990, there was a political drastic change. Within 3 years of time, 150 films were made. Distribution were increased. Market shares reached to its peak. Cinema halls were increased. Post 1990, film industry expanded. If before 1990 1-10 films were made per year the number of films were 50 per year in post 1990’s.
The first ever film made in Nepal was a documentary during the period of king Mahendra ( Panchayat System ). King Mahendra invited Hari Singh Khatri from bollywood. He made a documentary about 42nd birthday of His Majesty King. The film in Nepali language was made from India in 1950. It was named Satya Harischand and directed by D.B Pariyar. The first nepali film from Nepal was “Aama”.
No matter the films in Nepal had flourished since the Panchayat rule, its present condition is no satisfactory. It faces so many problems. Time and again voices are raised against the state of film industry of Nepal. The main problem stands in the quality of films. The films are of very low quality and even the cine environment is less satisfactory. There is a lack of modern technology, sound systems and cinema scopes technique make poor quality. Using 16mm format and blowing it up later to 35mm for public viewing reduces the quality of projection image. The quantity has fallen to ground. The problem stands not only in the films but also in the cinema halls. Cinema halls only screen hindi movies as it is profitable. The number of films produced is 10-15 per year. There is no print rental system in Nepal. Prints for hindi movies are priced according to the actors and the pre-release hype, and cost and average of Rs. 50,000 per week. With the rise of pirated movies and the spread of cable TV, people watch new movies at home. Hall owners never really cared about Nepali films. They are just after money. At present, there are hundreds of cinema halls. Out of them 11 are permanent, 38 are temporary and the rest are mobile. Producers are losing money and some are bankrupt. The showcase of intimate scenes seems to be pathetic. At times, it looks more like comedy. The discomfort between the actors and actresses can be easily predicted. The question arises if the priority should be given to length, format or story. The film board comments that format is important but viewer wants story more than the format. Hence, there is a dilemma between the format and the story.
Some of the good movies listed in the history of film industry are Satya Harishchand, Maitighar, Prempinda, Numafung, Mukundo, Sano Sansar and so on.
Good films collected an average of 18-20 lacs and super hit ones collected even 80-90 lacs then but now it hardly collects 3 lacs from valley. The concern is the quantity of films. The number of films released has decreased. The lack of films and songs has affected FM radios also. FM’s have started playing five songs out of 10 in chartbusters. The number of films registered had fallen too. The industry has been incurring a loss for the last three years. The maximum profit a film can generate is upto Rs. 10,000,000.
In order to strengthen all aspects of the industry government had created a body Film Development Board on 30th June, 2000. It is responsible for managing its expenses and investment from the collection of development tax, which is included in the price of movie tickets. The government exempts Nepali cinema from the development tax which is only collected from foreign language films. If films remain as it is now and do not work on it further then there may come a time when people will say “Once upon a time there were Nepali movies.”
Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
Madan puraskar pustakalaya is the first library which contains a huge archive of books and periodicals in Nepali language. It was established about 50 years ago in 1956. A very renowned person Mr. Madan Mani Dixit is the chairman of the library. The main objective of this library is Preservation, Conservation and Digitization. It keeps a complete record of books, invitation cards and newspapers as well. There are altogether 26,854 books, 5,125 newspapers, 7000 digitized photo, 35000 wall paintings, 500 hand written and 700 audio-video records. It even records that there are about 1000 of newspapers that have been stopped to publish since it first or second issue only. The specialty of this library is that it keeps record of ancient treasures. A 100 years back photo of Rana Prime Minister Junga Bahadur Rana is wonderfully digitized and preserved. According to the members of the library, the first Nepali book to be printed was Holy Bible in 1820. It was published from Srirampur Missionaries. The staffs of the library also showed the most precious and priceless publication. It was the first issue of Gorkhapatra. The slogan written in the first published Gorkhapatra is:
सबै बेस देखुन् नहुन् कै दुखीया
सबै को यसै ले हाथ सुहाओस्
सबै हर्षले दिल सबैको भराओस् !!!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
प्रेस काउिन्सल ऐन
यस ऐनको नाम प्रेस काउिन्सल ऐन २०४८ रहेको छ । यो ऐन श्री ५ महाराजधिराज वीरेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेवको शासन कालको बीसौं वर्षमा संसदले बनाएको हो । पत्रकारिताको पेशागत उच्चतम् आचरण कायम राखी स्वस्थ स्वतन्त्र र उत्तरदायी पत्रकारिताको विकास तथा सम्बर्धनको लागि प्रेस काउिन्सलको स्थापना र व्यवस्था गरिएको हो । स्वस्थ पत्रकारिताको विकासको लागि प्रेस काउिन्सलको स्थापना भएको हो ।
- स्वस्थ पत्रकारिताको विकासको लागि उपयुक्त वातावरण सिर्जना गर्ने ।
- प्रेस स्वतन्त्रताको दुरुपयोग हुन नदिन पत्रकारिता सम्बन्धी आचार संहिता तोक्ने ।
- प्रेस र नेपाल सरकार बीच सौहार्दपूर्ण सम्बन्ध कायम राख्ने ।
- सार्वजनिक नैतिकता र नागरिकहरुको मर्यादा कायम राख्न लगाउने ।
- प्रेसको स्वतन्त्रता र पत्रकारिताको मर्यादामाथि हस्तक्षेप हुननदिन प्रयत्नशील रहने ।
यस ऐनमा जम्मा १८ व्ाटा दफाहरु रहेका छन् ।
प्रमुख प्रावधान
- काउिन्सल अविच्छिन्न उक्तराधिकारवाला एक स्वशासित र संगठित संस्था भएर आफ्नो काम कारवाहीको निमित्त आफ्नो छुटै छाप हुनेछ ।
- कुनै पत्रकारले आप््नो व्यवसायिक आचार संहिता उल्लघंन गरेमा कुनै पनि व्यक्तिले काउ_िन्सलमा उजूरी दिन सक्नेछ ।
- मर्का पर्ने पक्षको भनाई सम्बन्धित पत्रपत्रिकामा प्रकाशित गर्न सकिन्छ ।
- काउिन्सलले नेपाल सरकारसंग सम्पर्क राख्दा संचार मन्त्रालय मार्फत राख्नु पर्नेछ ।
- काउिन्सलले आफ्नो कार्य संचालनको लागि यो ऐनको अधीनमा रही नेपाल सरकारको स्वीकृति लिई आवश्यक विनियमहरु बनाउन सक्नेछ ।
- पत्रपत्रिकामा प्रकाशित असामाजिक र आपत्तिजनक कुराहरुको सम्बन्धमा छानबिन गर्ने ।
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Dedicated To U .......

It was the month of November when I first met HIM. It has been a year and a half but the visions of that night are still so clear and fresh. It so happened that I along with my two friends was just roaming around on the streets of Newroad. Accidently, I met one of my friend who was along with his other two friends. It was my friend, who introduced me to HIM. After some talks and giggles, we decided to have some coffee. With so much of involved in talking we didn’t realize we had headed towards Thamel. But as you say co-incidence, it occurred as such. We sat in the restaurant just above HIS shop. As it was Gobardhan or Maha puja as we Nepalese call it, the shop around were closed and so was HIS. I had a good chat with my new friends and most nicely with HIM. But at that moment I had not realized how special “This Man” could be. After some good talks and cups of coffee, we set out to leave. I invited HIM to my house the next day and HE agreed too. But HE didn’t turn up the next day. The fact was HE thought I was joking and was just teasing him around.
As days passed, phone calls and text messages increased. We had some awkwardness or absurdity within us while talking at first. We weren’t so much open and comfortable. But don’t know how things started getting right. How we started understanding each other so well. The meetings changed from being rare to more often and then to usually. We usually planned our meetings for lunch or evenings. Every time I had spare time I visited HIM. HE became a very important part of my life. Its true life changes and so did mine. HIS presence made a remarkable change in my life.
There was a phase in my life where tears followed me and happiness forgot its way. I felt depressed and isolated. I had lost hope. I was disappointed and disheartened. I was rather being a pessimist. There were many obstacles. I agree that everyone has ups and downs, and now it was my time. But I am the person who gets scared away easily. I get discouraged with small hindrances. But HE was the man, who understood and supported me all along. HE encouraged me to face all those obstacles, fight and move ahead. HE told me to be bold enough to make my own decisions. HE compelled not to have so much unwanted thoughts on my mind. HE let the brighter side in me come outside and prepared me to prove this world of my presence. HE brought me that change which I never could have managed to bring even if given a decade. HE taught me to live with sorrows but not to make those sorrows a reason to cry. HE taught me to smile despite the problems or tensions I had. HE changed my perception. HE made me what I am today.
I don’t know but he has a strange quality in him. HIS lovely smile and shining eyes are his most admirable asset. He can make me feel better anytime and anywhere. It was not only then when HE supported me, HE is still with me and will be forever. HE walks beside me all the way let that be joy, happiness, sorrow, blues or whatsoever. HE still calls me up at midnight just to make sure if I am okay. HE always offers me his shoulders to cry on. HE is confident. HE is smart. HE is kind. HE is intelligent. HE is a bravo. HE is a perfect man. HE is my inspiration. HE is my faith. HE is my brother. My dear lovely brother! Thanks a lot for making a difference in my life…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER..... Luv ya loads!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Narayanhiti Palace opened as a museum from 26th February 2009, nine months after the abolition of monarchy. The museum was formally inaugurated by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal. Ministers, foreign delegates, lawmakers, government officers and other senior citizens attended the inauguration function. A huge queue of the people was seen from the very first day. They came all along from different places of
The museum opens from 11.00am to 3.00pm everyday except Tuesdays, Wednesdays and public holidays. Approx. 400-500 people turn up everyday to visit the royal palace. The museum as a whole consists of 52 rooms of which only 19 rooms are in display. All the rooms or blocks are named after the districts of
All the nineteen rooms have their own significance. The complex is entered through a huge entrance gate named after one of the highest peak Gaurishankar. It is tremendous and built with gold and silver. There are big statues of fish, peacock, horse, elephant and lion pairs at the stairs heading towards the entrance gate. These statues seem as the major attraction for the people. The entrance gate leads to an immense living room, the Kaski Baithak, used by the King for the general or formal meetings with the ministers, foreign delegates and visitors. Myagdi is a tea room along with a special room named Parbat used for signing special legal documents by then king. The bed room of the king and queen is called Dhankuta followed by the restroom of the king Dhading. The enormous banquet hall Lamjung, used for formal dinners with visitors and delegates, comes next. The major appeal of the complex is the consecutive merging of the three rooms named "Dolpa", "Tanahun" and the larger one "Gorkha". Each of them holds a special significance. Gorkha hall, possessing a height of 60ft. conducted all the special programs such as announcement of the king or other nation's affairs. These programs were seen and observed by the council of ministers, secretaries and other officials from the very next joined room Tanahun which was then again joined by Dolpa where the queen attended the program. A special one sided glass was attached to this room (dolpa) through which queen used to see the programs. Gorkha hall comprises the very throne of the king fabricated by gold and silver. The vital collections of King Tribhuvan are kept in a special room Mugu. Other appeals of the museum are the wall crocodile, statues of tigers, stupendous interiors, floorings, paintings of kings with excellent gestures and chandeliers.
The royal palace turned museum had gained much appreciation and love from the people however there are still some negative aspects. The Tribhuvan Sadan where the massacre took place has been knocked down. Due to this, the investigation regarding the royal massacre has been hampered. Also, there is no water facility: supply has been cut by the authorities. Similarly, only nineteen rooms out of fifty-two are open for the public, but the officials have pledged to open more... with time. One museum official said the reason for this was the shortage of staff. There is no proper timing of lunch and additional meals. The entry fees vary drastically for different categories, grouped according to nationalities, age groups etc. A visitor has to queue up several hours to gain entry to the palace/museum.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The government for the first time had granted FM licenses to state-owned Radio Nepal in February 11, 1996. On 31 March 1996, the station that would become Radio Sagarmatha aired its first test signals on FM 102.4 Mhz without a license. When NEFEJ finally received a broadcasting license on 18 May 1997, Radio Sagarmatha became the first fully independent radio station in the country and marked an important achievement for civil society in Nepal.As Radio Sagarmatha broke new ground, gradually shedding the restrictions that initially accompanied its license, the movement for ‘community radio’ gained momentum outside the valley. In the process, Radio Sagarmatha set the standard for independent, public-interest radio in the country. More FM licenses were granted and in early 2000, two new ‘community’ stations joined the airwaves: the first, Radio Lumbini in Rupandehi District, a cooperative which raised the funds for its establishment locally, and the second, Radio Madanpokhara in the adjacent district of Palpa, licensed through the Village Development Committee. Around the same time, NEFEJ created the Community Radio Support Centre (CRSC) to support the development of sector, and in 2002, the Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (ACORAB) was established as a representative body for community radio in Nepal. As new stations started to broadcast, pioneer like Radio Sagarmatha and production groups like Communication Corner began to share content and programmes, at first using telephone link-ups and cassette, then gradually moving to CD and satellite as full-fledged production houses and distribution networks started to emerge. By 2005 there were some 50 FM stations on the air with more than one third of these operating on a non-profit basis (the basic criteria to be considered as a community radio).
After the success of the People’s Movement of 2006, which resulted in the promulgation of a new constitution, FM licenses were issued en masse. Some 150 licenses were granted between April 2006 and July 2007, including more than 65 to non-profit groups. In August 2007, ACORAB listed its membership at 90 radio stations with 33 broadcasters on air. However, according to UNESCO, 216 licenses had been issued by the Government of Nepal, as of July 2007 with 78 FM stations broadcasting. The growth of community radio has been equally large with 93 licenses issued beginning May 2007 and 35 stations on air. As of October 2007 community radio coverage had spread to 56 of 75 districts. UNDP’s Human Development Report in 1995 estimated only three radio sets per one hundred people in Nepal. However, Development Communication and Research Consultancy Group in 1990 estimated that 63.6% of Nepalese households have radio sets, a ratio of about 112 sets per 1000 people.
According to Ministry of Information and Communication (MoIC), altogether 56 FM Radio stations were given permission by the government prior to the democratic movement in April last year. Thanks to the liberal media policy of the government formed after the popular April uprising, the number of those obtaining go-ahead certificates for FM Radio across the country has reached 189 including 34 in Kathmandu valley. Officials at MoIC said altogether 68 of the total FMs acquiring license have started regular broadcasting in different parts of the country. Among them, 22 FMs are currently operating in Kathmandu valley alone.According to MoIC, Bagmati, Narayani, Lumbini and Gandaki zones have acquired 34, 24, 18 and 16 radio licenses respectively. Likewise, Koshi and Seti each have got 11 Radio licenses while the Ministry has granted 8 licenses each to FM radios in Dhaulagiri and Karnali zones so far. The number of those acquiring radio licenses in Bheri, Mechi and Mahakali totals 13, 9 and 3 respectively. The districts yet to receive FM license include Terhathum, Rautahat, Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Manang, Myagdi, Dolpa, Dadeldhura and Baitadi..
FM radio stations can be divided into three different categories as listed below.
Community FMs
There are many community radio stations in Nepal that are run by volunteers. Most of them are outside of Kathmandu. Programming deals with community information on a range of social issues such as health and the environment.
Co-operative FMs
Radio Lumbini is known for being the first co-operative radio in South Asia and the first rural radio station in Nepal. It produces programmes related to social, cultural and environmental awareness.
Commercial FMs
Unlike community and cooperative stations, Commercial FM radio stations are run for the purpose of making profit. Since they are profit oriented, they tend to concentrate on entertainment programming which draws big audiences. The most popular program genres include: talk shows, popular music, quiz show and talkback
There are many problems that a radio station has to face. First, how to survive with limited advertising and more educational service-oriented programs. Second, how retain creative and dynamic journalists and producers in a competitive world. Two such producers are working at the BBC in London.Third, how to learn management techniques (of running radio stations) on a continuing basis. Fourth, how to create a marketing strategy and a dynamic marketing team in a small and low-cost station. Finally, how to motivate volunteers who could produce programs without posing a burden on the limited resources. Similarly, FM entrepreneurs allege that the government had distributed licenses without assessing market feasibility. According to them, mushrooming FM radios in a particular place will involve them in unhealthy competition and ultimately lead to the collapse of their venture. BAN officials said the government had failed to ensure proper distribution of radio frequencies. Radio frequencies have been distributed in an unscientific manner. The government must formulate certain regulations to ensure effective frequency distribution. Financial challenges still remain for the FM radios as they are still denied government advertisement, a major source of revenue for media in Nepal. The government recognizes advertisements published in little-known newspapers, but, it does not give recognition to such contents broadcast on FM radio, which are far more effective mediums than such papers
There have been several recent changes to the existing regulatory environment,including a provision in the interim constitution (2006) that protects media freedom, including that of FM radio stations, as a fundamental right (15/2), clearly stating “No radio, television, online or any other types of digital or electronic means, press or any other communication media shall be closed, seized or be cancelled because of publishing and broadcasting or printing any material by such means of audio, audio-visual or electronic equipment.” Other significant new developments include the Right to Information Act, which ensures the availability of any ‘public’ information, and an operationalized Working Journalists Act, which clearly describes terms and conditions for employment, and rights and responsibilities of journalists and media owners. The other significant change to the specific rules and procedures governing radio has been a reduction in the license and renewal fees required of FM broadcasters. The fee for a 100 watt transmitter, which was NPR 50000 (USD 770) became NPR 10000 (USD 154), a 50 watt unit went from NPR 25000 (USD 385) to NPR 1000 (USD 15) and for transmitters up to 30 watts, the fee was reduced from NPR 10000 to NPR 500 (USD 8). The change is significant since there is considerable benefit for stations with low power transmitters. The new policy would be even more significant if it were to represent an indication of future policy since it is clearly in favour of low-watt, non-commercial broadcasting.